Hamilton Hills Church
Sundays | 9:15 AM & 10:45 AM

Who We Are

Family Values

We believe life is a journey, and faith is no different. At Hamilton Hills, you’ll find a safe space to explore what it means to know God and grow in faith, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.

Whether you’re asking tough questions or seeking to deepen your understanding of Scripture, we’re here to walk with you as you discover more about God, yourself, and your purpose in His story.

From curious to committed, you belong. Discovery happens here.

Life can wear us down, but we believe in a God who brings new life and fresh beginnings. Renewal is not just something we talk about; it's something we experience together.

Whether it’s finding hope in a difficult season, seeing relationships restored, or experiencing spiritual breakthrough, Hamilton Hills is a place where God’s transforming power can bring healing and renewal to every area of your life. Renewal happens here.

Generosity isn’t just about finances—it’s a way of living.

At Hamilton Hills, we believe that God calls us to live with open hands, to make a difference in the lives of others.

From helping a neighbor in need to supporting global missions, we believe generosity reflects God’s heart for the world.

Together, we strive to create a culture of radical generosity where we all have the opportunity to give and receive in meaningful ways. Generosity happens here.

We’re not just focused on growing our church—we’re passionate about growing God’s Kingdom.

That means we’re committed to helping others discover Jesus and equipping them to share their faith with others.

Multiplication is central to who we are. We believe that when we invest in others, the impact goes far beyond our own walls—it extends into our communities and around the world.

For us, it's not just addition, multiplication happens here.

Our purpose is to multiply authentic Christ-centered communities that equip people to bring the Good News to those in the front row of their lives (Oikos.)

Our Team

Vision & Teaching

Spiritual Formation & Missions


Assimilation & Preschool

HH Kids

HH Students

Middle School


Executive Assistant

Our Elders

Our Beliefs

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, who came to save humanity through His life, death, and resurrection.
We believe the Holy Spirit empowers believers for Christian living, guiding and equipping the church for ministry.
We believe the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative Word, revealing His will and purpose for our lives.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and it is available to all who believe in Him.
We believe the Church is the body of Christ, called to worship, serve, and spread the message of the gospel.
We believe in baptism as an outward expression of faith and in communion as a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.

We believe in the return of Jesus Christ and eternal life for believers, and the promise of a new heaven and new earth.

Life is messy.

Everyone is welcome.

Anything is possible.